1. Digitization of Dzongkha (Storage, input and display)
2. Promotion of Dzongkha through ICT
3. Research and development of Human Language Technology
a. Develop Dzongkha text processing tools such as:
i. Dzongkha word segmentation tool
ii. Dzongkha syntactic analyzer (POS-tagger and parser)
iii. Named entity recognizer
iv. Spelling checker
v. Grammar checker
vi. Machine translation system
vii. Sentiment analysis
b. Develop speech processing and speech synthesis (text to speech and speech to text)
c. Develop optical character recognition system
d. Develop handwriting recognition tool
4. Localization
a. Localize major operating systems such as Windows, Android, etc.
b. Localize frequently used applications and utilities
c. Develop localization standards
5. Provide ICT support services
a. Internal:
i. Carryout troubleshooting-computers, printers and networks
ii. Manage website and social media accounts
iii. Format and design office publications
iv. Administer Google apps
v. Administer biometric/attendance system
b. External:
i. Install Unicode tools in computers and phones
ii. Install pecha templates, formatting and printing of pecha
iii. Create bilingual support in government websites
iv. Provide Dzongkha ICT training