Roles and responsibilties of Research division
1. Linguistic research and study:
- Study Dzongkha competency, usage and impact
- Carryout comparative study between different Dzongkha dialects
- Carryout linguistic research and survey
2. Linguistic resource development for Natural Language Processing
- Develop and update Part of Speech (POS)-tagset
- Develop Dzongkha POS-tagged corpus
- Develop Dzongkha-English parallel corpus for machine translation
- Design and develop text and speech corpus for text to speech (TTS) and speech to text (SST)
- Design and develop image corpus for optical character recognition (OCR)
3. Indigenous languages documentation
- Write Dzongkha-English-Indigenous language lexicon
- Write Dzongkha-English-Indigenous language phrase books
- Research and write grammars
- Document folklore of endangered languages
- Carryout Revitalization of endangered languages